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R-454B Performance vs. R-410A: Capacity & COP (WEBINAR CLIP)

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jun 12, 2024 3:42:54 PM

Capacity and coefficient of performance (COP) are both used to measure HVAC equipment's effectiveness, but they tell different stories. Capacity, measured in tonnage or Btu./hr., refers to a unit's ability to heat or cool a space. COP measures efficiency - the relationship between a system's performance and the cost of the electricity needed to power it. To many - especially those in the commercial HVAC market - COP is the more consequential metric due to its direct impact on the operating costs for unit manufacturers' customers.

But for OEMs that have opted for R-454B as their replacement for R-410A units, there are some interesting performance implications associated with making that switch. Specifically, R-454B typically offers better COP, but based on our recent performance testing, there are scenarios in which its capacity is less than R-410A. Watch this clip from our recent webinar, "R-454B & Blended Refrigerants: Properties, Performance Modeling, & Coil Design Considerations," to hear what Dr. Jian Yu, SRC's VP of Research and Development has to say about the importance of considering both COP and capacity when designing heat exchangers and the impact that changes in each value can have when making a refrigerant change.



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