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Selected Applications

In the nuclear power industry, safety is paramount and performance is critical. That’s why our engineers work with you to understand exactly what you need, apply the relevant code requirements, and engineer it until it’s absolutely perfect.


Control Room Evaporator



Drywell Cooling Coils

New Project (79)

Isophase Bus Duct Cooling Coils


Penetration Cooler


Pump Lube Oil Cooler_3 2

Pump Lube Oil Coolers


Reactor Containment Auxiliary Cooling Coils


Reactor Containment Cooling Coils


Reactor Coolant Pump Motor (RCPM) Air Coolers


RCPM Lower Bearing Oil Cooler_1

Reactor Coolant Pump Motor(RCPM) Lower Bearing Coil Coolers


Reactor Coolant Pump Motor(RCPM) Upper Bearing Oil Coolers

New Project (80)

Room Cooler Cooling Coils


Upper and Lower Compartment Cooling Coils

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