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Research & Development Briefs

Time lapse of Super Radiator Coils' test lab staff setting up an a-frame coil in our wind tunnel test lab.

Test Lab Research Updates


  • SRC has completed performance testing for 7mm OD tubing for all applicable coil types.


  • SRC completed performance testing of a variety of coil design prototypes featuring 7mm tubing.

  • SRC completed wind tunnel testing of coils using R-454B to inform the performance model used in Enterprise, its coil selection software.


  • SRC began ongoing testing on the efficacy of using an averaged value for condensate temperature in a cooling coil vs. measuring the actual temperature at various points.


  • SRC completed performance testing for 5/8" OD sine wave fin pattern.

  • SRC completed performance testing of refrigerant R-454B for condenser coils constructed with 5mm OD rifled copper tubes.

  • SRC completed performance testing of refrigerant R-454B for condenser coils constructed with 3/8" OD rifled copper tubes.

  • SRC completed performance testing of refrigerant R-454B for condenser coils constructed with 3/8" OD smooth copper tubes.

  • SRC completed performance testing of refrigerant R-454B for condenser coils constructed with 5/8" OD stainless steel rifled tubes.

  • SRC completed performance testing of coils with interlaced circuiting for the purpose of developing a more accurate model.

  • SRC upgraded the insulation in the tube-side refrigerant lab to feature new, aluminum material to improve insulation and aesthetic.


  • SRC tested the first condenser coil and evaporator coil with 3/8” OD stainless steel rifled tubes. The refrigerant used in the test is R438A.

  • SRC's wind tunnel lab tested the first shell-and-tube heat exchanger for a customer. The working fluid is water. The lab has the capability to test refrigerant, glycol, oil or steam as well. 

  • SRC tested the performance of A-frame coils configured at various angles from 15 to 60 degrees. 

  • SRC gathered refrigerant performance data in condenser coils with several new refrigerants, including R-438A, R-448A, R-454B, and R-449A. These refrigerants were tested using a section of 3/8" OD smooth and rifled copper tube. 

  • Dr. Jian Yu, as part of his visiting professorship at Queen Mary University of London, worked with a Ph.D. student to test the heat transfer coefficients of for a handful of new refrigerants under evaporation and condensation conditions. 


Software Functionality Updates


  • Users can now run coil selections for 7mm OD tubing for all applicable coil types.


  • SRC added the ability to rate coils for refrigerant R-454B. 


  • SRC added the ability to rate coils for refrigerant R-1233zd(e).

  • SRC conducted a performance audit of all coil selection software for speed optimization and streamlining opportunities, and identifying bugs, which have been fixed.


  • SRC added R-454B to our internal engineering software.

  • SRC added the ability to select 5/16" OD raised lance fin enhancements to our internal engineering software.

  • SRC added the ability to select 5/8" OD sine wave fin enhancements to our internal engineering software.

  • SRC revised our modeling for the boiling and condensing of refrigerants based on test lab data.


  • SRC updated heat transfer and pressure drop correlations for 5/8" ball turbulators based on new test data. The updated correlations have been added to Enterprise, our coil selection software.

  • SRC added calculation of the refrigerant vapor velocity at the outlet of evaporator coils. This value will now be included in the engineering report generated in Enterprise. 

  • SRC added the ability to rate ammonia coils. 

  • SRC added code to our selection software that allows users to enter a desired suction temperature and either a superheat value or leaving quality. Prior to this update, users were required to manually enter several inputs in order to get the desired leaving conditions.

  • SRC added the ability to rate condenser coils with a desired leaving quality instead of allowing a desired subcooling amount. This feature will be particularly useful for heat reclaim coils where there is only partial condensing of the refrigerant. 

Looking for an engineering partner?

If you're interested in working with SRC's R & D team to optimize the performance of your heat transfer equipment, give us a call. And for more information on our test labs, check out our R & D homepage or watch the video below to learn more about our wind tunnel. 

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