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Industrial Heat Exchangers

High temperatures. High pressure. Corrosive environments—our plate fin and spiral wrap style industrial heat exchangers can handle it. Because our in-house experts design each product to meet your exact specifications, and our demanding standards.




Fluidized Bed Dryers

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Turbine Inlet Cooling & Heating

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Compressed Gas Coolers

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Air Preheaters

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Waste Heat Recovery

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Air Coolers

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Absolutely, we certainly can. If you know the performance requirement, that helps a lot, but if not that’s no problem. We can work with you to learn what you need from the coil, and we can build a custom replacement. If it’s an old legacy replacement, there could be opportunities to improve its efficiency.

Lame answer here, but it really does depend. Your SRC engineer is a single point of contact that understands not only coil design but also how design choices affect cost. This allows us to help you find the right balance of price and performance.

We don’t stock any coils. All our products are build-to-job. So, we don’t have any off the shelf products to send you, but we’d be happy to design a custom-built solution for the specific needs of your application.

That’s because when you switch to all-stainless, the enhanced durability comes at the expense of heat transfer. Stainless steel is a relatively poor conductor compared to something like copper, so in order to meet the same performance with an all-stainless coil, the heat transfer surface needs to be larger.

Sure, we’d be happy to do that. But, if it’s heat transfer you’re after, copper fins and aluminum fins really aren’t that much different, and aluminum is a cheaper option.

Since we’re a custom shop, everything we build is tailored for a specific application, including connections. We’ll build you a coil that can integrate into your system whether your connections are flanged, threaded, located on opposite sides, same side, etc.

Looking for an engineering partner?

Our engineering staff has decades of  heat transfer experience across all the industries we serve.