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Nuclear Products


Industry Recognized Certifications

SRC holds ASME N, NPT, & NS certificates (Class 2 & Class 3), which assure that components will conform to the rigorous requirements of ASME Section III. We are committed to supplying safety related items that satisfy the special demands of the nuclear power industry. We also hold ASME U & UM certificates when ASME Section VIII or CSA B51 (Class 6) dictates.

              N-Stamp_Gray       NPT-Stamp_GrayNS-Stamp-2020

              U-Stamp        UM-Stampcrn-logo


SRC-Chaska MN-Facility_2015

NUPIC Audited & Approved

SRC’s nuclear quality assurance program is NUPIC-audited.  Our 100,000 sq. ft. facility in Chaska, MN, is fully nuclear qualified and includes segregated & controlled areas for material, production, and inspection.

Robust Quality and Inspection Program

Our nuclear quality assurance program conforms to the requirements of ASME NQA-1, ASME NCA-4000, & 10CFR50-Appendix B, includes 10CFR21 reportability, and satisfies CSA N285.0.

We are supported by our own in-house ASNT NDT Level III.





Confidence for Emergencies

Our coils are proven to perform. The SRC predictive model has been validated through prototype performance testing under simulated LOCA conditions. We have tested prototypes with AL-6XN® (UNS N08367) tubes and with copper tubes, which bound the thermal conductivity range for alloys commonly used in nuclear power plant applications.

If you are looking to increase service life with alternate tube materials, you can be confident SRC knows how this change impacts plant safety. Our bounded model eliminates the uncertainty associated with extrapolated models that rely on testing copper tube coils alone. 

See What Makes Us Super

Selected Applications

From Containment Cooling, to RCP Motor Coolers, Core Standby Cooling Systems, and Equipment Room Coolers, Super Radiator Coils has designed and built components for a host of HVAC applications supporting nuclear power generation.  

Our product gallery provides insight into the work that we can provide. See what Super can do for you.

Auxiliary Components—Safety and Non-safety Related

Super Radiator Coils leverages our nuclear program infrastructure to manufacture auxiliary products such as shell and tube heat exchangers, raw water strainers, fueling machine auxiliary coolers and generator stator coolers.  

This equipment is typically manufactured to ASME Section III or ASME Section VIII standards.

Thermal Reliability

Central to any heat exchanger design is thermal reliability and accuracy. SRC products are supported by our internal wind tunnel facility which enables us to identify both internal and external heat transfer coefficients for the applications and dial in our performance. This laboratory is available for prototype validation performance testing for assurance that thermal requirements are satisfied. 

Engineered Solutions

The engineering requirements for the nuclear power industry require breadth, innovation and a level of thoroughness not observed in many markets. 

Super Radiator Coils supports these requirements with experience and certified professional engineers who are familiar with the nuclear code and the demands placed on nuclear power plants.

Critical Service and Delivery

Super Radiator Coils understands that when emergency service is required, there are no other options but to execute.  

Staffed with dedicated personnel, we're ready to produce drawings, complete ASME design and seismic analysis, procure materials, execute fabrication or whatever else is required to get the job done.

Retrofits that Fit

SRC coils are designed and built for identical replacement of the fit, form and function of the installed unit. If material upgrades are needed because of heavy fouling or a change in operating conditions, we have the resources to support that request.

Yes. This is something we do frequently. We match the fit, form and function of the original equipment.

Yes. Oftentimes, coils and heat exchangers connected to open service water systems are subject to accelerated corrosion phenomena, the effects of which can be reduced or mitigated by using material alloys that offer more resistance to those conditions. However, a change in alloy (from copper to stainless, for example) may fall short in reaching original thermal capacity design requirements. 

Coils equipped with removable water box heads or cover plates at one end or both ends permit access to the tube internals for regular inspection and maintenance.  In some cases, SRC has upgraded legacy, pipe-header coils to new coils with water box heads having the same fit, form, and function as the original equipment.  This accessibility feature impacts component weight and must be considered when modifying the original design.

Yes. We manufacture both safety and non-safety related components to meet specific plant requirements.

Yes. If thermal performance testing is required to validate coil performance under normal operating conditions, SRC can conduct testing using a prototype model in our test laboratory. There we can test a prototype that models the exact coil heat transfer configuration and geometry and adjust the test conditions to simulate actual design conditions to validate thermal capacity.

Yes. Super Radiator has tested prototype coils under simulated accident conditions that correspond to typical containment accident conditions predicted for pressurized water reactors (PWRs). 


Often the replication process involves some combination of reviewing drawings and manuals for the original equipment, gathering pertinent details from installed equipment during walk-downs on site, inspecting spare components in warehouse stores, and dismantling an existing component for reverse engineering in a hot shop location or at our own facility if it can be free released.  The degree of difficulty is directly related to what documentation is available, which varies greatly from plant to plant.

No. A component may be designed, fabricated, and tested in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section III and not stamped. Whether an N-stamp is required depends on the plant licensing basis or site-specific requirements. When no N-stamp is applied, no independent third-party inspection services (AIA / ANI) are included, and no N-1 data report is provided.

Yes. This is a common and normal request for replacement components at plants tied to a particular Code edition/addenda date in their licensing basis.

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