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Super Radiator Coils

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Differences Between Plate & Spiral Fin Heat Exchangers

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jun 8, 2020 10:20:58 AM

It was long thought that a spiral fin design was the only option for use in environments that demanded heavy materials, long life span, and overall sturdiness. Plate fin coils were thought to be too fragile for the rigors of many industrial applications. But over the last few decades, it's become more common to see plate fin style heat exchangers used for a bevy in industrial applications. 

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Topics: Coils, Heat Exchangers, Reliability

Stainless Steel Passivation, Pickling & Descaling

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Apr 22, 2020 3:49:44 PM

We get asked a lot of questions about the passivation of stainless steel welds. Oftentimes, customers want to know what passivation is. Others ask if it’s necessary. Given the number of factors that such a decision hinges on, Super Radiator wants customers to understand the benefits of passivation, and also understand what’s involved in the larger process of treating stainless steel surfaces.  

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Topics: Food Storage & Processing, Power Generation, Heat Exchangers, Nuclear Products, Quality, Engineering

Choosing the Right Fin Material for Industrial Heat Exchangers

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Apr 4, 2020 5:54:02 AM

Stainless, copper, E-coat, Heresite, or CuNi?

When Super Radiator Coils engineer coils for customers, materials are among our most important considerations. Things like applications, environments, and coil lifespan must all be factored in to the coil’s design. So too must price and industry standards, making material decisions all the more crucial.

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Topics: Heat Exchangers, Expertise, Quality, Engineering